You want, no scratch that, you NEED control over your own website. In the beginning inexpensive but reliable hosting like from Bluehost is perfect and keeps the costs down. If you get enough traffic so you need even better (and much more expensive) hosting then you can always do that later. This gives you control over your own website. If you're just starting out, go with inexpensive reliable hosting. While this does take some up-front investment, you might be surprised how little you really need to pay in order to start a money making blog. If not, then you definitely want to learn how to start a blog before you really ramp up the Pinterest efforts. If you already have a good blog set up and monetized, then great! You're already a little bit ahead of the game. Then they make money on their blog with that traffic. They use Pinterest to get attention and drive traffic. When people are talking about making money on Pinterest this is almost certainly what they mean. This gives you an online property you can monetize in many ways. Websites focused on affiliate marketing are one of the most common strategies for making this work. This means that you do need to know how to make money online. This also makes that traffic much more likely to take action or buy from you. This allows you to create a source of traffic that you already have trust with and who are familiar with your account. The key is to set up your own blog, monetize it, and use Pinterest as a picture-based search engine to drive large amounts of traffic to your blog. There are plenty of people making a lot of money on Pinterest, but they treat Pinterest very differently from those people who aren't seeing the same level of success. Believe it or not you can get paid to create pins! How to Actually Make Money on Pinterest

Once you have a solid foundation down you can use Pinterest, set up affiliate links, and create revenue from your work.

You need to understand the ways that Pinterest works as a platform if you are going to have any hope of learning how to make money on Pinterest. The scattershot method isn't the way to go here. Using solid SEO tactics when creating descriptions for your boards, your pins, and even your profile will make it much more likely that each of your pins will be found by visitors and drive traffic to the platforms where you turn visitors into income. One is to realize that while building authority and a following is absolutely important, Pinterest is as much search engine as social media site. Many people look at Pinterest the wrong way and that can doom your efforts from the start. There are a few things we need to hit on real quick when you're looking at Pinterest. Step 5: Building Your Pinterest Traffic Machine.Step 4: Create a Business Pinterest Account.How to Actually Make Money on Pinterest.